A. Understanding Information Systems
Information systems in a simple understanding to
defined as a computer-based system that provides
information for multiple users with similar needs. The
users are usually incorporated in a formal organizational entity,
Institutions such as the Department or a Government Agency
can be translated into the Directorate, Division, Section until the unit
smallest underneath. Information describing the organization or
one of the main system on what has happened in the past,
what is happening now and what may be happening
the future of the organization.
The information system contains a variety of important information about people,
place, and everything that is in or around the neighborhood
organization. Information itself contains a meaning that is data that has been
processed into a form that is more meaningful and can be
used for decision making. The data itself is faktafakta
representing a state, condition, or event that occurred
or is in or on the physical environment of the organization. Data can not
directly used for decision making, but must
processed further advance in order to be understood, and utilized in
Information must be managed properly and adequately to provide
maximum benefits. Implementation of information systems within a
organization intended to provide information support
needed, especially by users of information from various
levels of management. The information system used by
users of various levels of management is commonly referred to as:
Management Information Systems.
Information systems contain three basic activities in it, namely:
input activity (input), processing (processing), and output
(Output). Three events this basis generate the information needed
organization for decision-making, operations control, analysis
problems, and create new products or services. Input
role in the collection of raw materials (raw data), both
obtained from within or from the environment surrounding the organization.
Processing role is to convert raw materials into forms
more meaningful. Meanwhile, the output is intended to transfer
processed information to the parties or aktivitasaktivitas
who will use. Information systems also require
feedback (feedback), which is to base the evaluation and improvement in
the next input stage.
Nowadays, information systems used to focus more on system
computer-based information (computer-based information system).
Hope that want to obtain here is that with the use of
information technology or computer-based information systems, information
produced can be more accurate, quality, and timely,
so that decisions can be more effective and efficient.
Although computer-based information systems using technology
computer to process data into information that has meaning,
There is a sharp distinction between computers and computer programs
on one side with the information system on the other. Computers and
computer software that is available is the technical foundation, tools,
and materials of modern information systems. Computers can be used
as a tool to store and process information. Program
computer or computer software is a set of
operating instructions that direct and control processing
B. Development of Management Information System (MIS)
Indeed, the concept of information systems already existed before the emergence of
computer. Before the mid-20th century, at that time still
used punch cards, computer usage is limited to applications
accounting which became known as the accounting information system.
However, those users - especially corporate environment -
still override the needs of information for managers. Applications
computer-based accounting is given the name of the data processing
electronics (PDE).
• In 1964, introducing a new generation of computer processors
new circuitry that uses a silicon chip with the ability
better processing. To promote the generation
computer, the producers introduced the concept of system
management information with the overriding goal of computer applications
is to generate information for management. When it
start it was obvious that computers are able to fill gaps
will be a tool that is able to provide management information.
SIM concept was very quickly accepted by some
companies and government agencies with such a large scale
Ministry of Finance in particular to handle the management
budgets, financing and state revenues.
However, users who tried the SIM in the early stages
realize that the biggest obstacle comes from the layer
middle-management level - above (see Figure 2-1).
In Focus SIM
Boss We gaptek, aah Period 'Sih ... ..?!
Indonesia is one of the country
which lags behind other parts of the world
in the use of computers. This can
seen from the way of communication use
electronic mail (e-mail) affect
communication with the government.
Historically the position of the leaders in
Indonesia is strongly influenced by seniority
and gender. Leadership in an agency
one of the determining element is the age
The older (though now
greatly reduced), the male and
More women should mudalah
become subordinate to and carry out
their command. But when instansinya
began to use computers as tools
aids, the more employees mudalah
are able to utilize technology
them. Who experienced a dramatic blow
from the psychological burden is pegawaipegawai
who throughout their career rather than
Just do not ever use computers
but also never use
manual typewriter. Most
communication so far they do
with notes / memos, faxes,
draft letter prepared by staff
low. Formerly with ease for leadership
The older order "take this letter
Head to the pack. " But this can not
applied when Mr. Head wants
personal response via e-mail. The
middle-management level - over almost
can not delegate this task to
employees is lower.
In an effort to accelerate knowledge
use of computers for management level
medium - above, many courses are held
lightning, the teachers often are
beautiful young woman and they are
real contrast with her past,
which often only serves as
low employee provider of tea.
The course was considered very severe, although
probably lasted no more than 3 days.
In fact, perhaps because it is felt
very torturing the leaders level
on this call as a Training Expertise
Hell ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ...!
Figure 2-1
The development of this concept is still not smooth and many organizations
have failed in its application because of some
barriers, for example:
• lack of understanding about computer users,
lack of specialists in the field of information about business
and the role of management,
• relatively high prices of computing devices, as well as
• too berambisinya those users who are too confident to
build a complete information system that can
supports all levels of managers.
While the SIM concept continues to grow, Morton, Gorry, and Keen
from the Massachusetts Institute of Technology (MIT) introduced the concept
named the new Decision Support System (Decision Support
Systems - DSS). DSS is a system that produces information
directed at a specific problem to be solved or
decisions must be made by the manager.
Another development was the emergence of other applications, namely
Office Automation (office automation - OA), which provides
facilities to improve communication and productivity of
managers and office staff through the use of electronic equipment.
Later arose a new concept known as Artificial
Intelligence (AI), a concept with the idea that computers could
programmed to perform logical process resembles the human brain.
A type of AI is a lot of attention is the Expert
Systems (ES), which is an application that has the function as
specialize in certain areas.
All of the above concepts, both PDE, SM, OA, DSS, EIS, and AI
an information processing applications using
computer and aims to provide information for solving
problems and decision making.
C. Attention to Information Management
There are two main reasons why there is great concern
the management of information, namely the increasing complexity
organizational activity governance and increasing
computer capabilities. Furthermore, by providing reliable information
quality, of course, also encourage managers to improve
competitive ability (competitive advantage) organizations
During the first generation of computers, computer only be touched by
specialists in the fields of computer, while other users are not
had direct contact with computers. Now, almost every
office has at least some of the desktop / personal computer -
PC. Users of management information systems are now know how
using the computer and looked at the computer rather than as something
special anymore, but it is a necessity as well as
filing cabinets, photocopy machine or telephone.
D. Management Information System Users
As users of information systems management, this management level
can be classified into three tiers (Figure 2-2), namely:
• manager level strategic planning (strategic planning);
is an upper-level managers, such as the ranks of the Minister, the
echelon I, in which decisions are made regarding
with strategic planning that includes the evaluation process
environment outside the organization, setting organizational goals, and
determining the organization's strategy.
• Manager of the level of management control (management control);
which is also known by the term mid-level managers,
have a responsibility to translate the strategic plan
assigned to its implementation and ensure that
organization's goals will be achieved. Included in this group
example is Echelon II, Head of Regional Office, Chief
Department, and the Echelon III, Head of Department / Division.
• manager operations control level (operational control)
is a lower-level managers such as echelon IV and V,
responsible for implementing the plan that have been defined by
middle managers, which materialized in the operation / activity
level strategic planning will receive more information
originating from outside the organization's environment rather than internal information, and
vice versa for lower-level managers. In terms of presentation, manager
upper level is more like information in concise form, not the details.
Conversely, lower-level managers put more emphasis on information
details, rather than concise. Is based on the type of decisions taken,
decisions made by top-level managers more unstructured
compared to decisions made by managers at a higher
Structured decisions are decisions that are repeatedly
and routine so that its elements are easier to understand.
Examples of this decision for example is a decision on the increase
rank officers, regular salary increases and so forth. Otherwise
for unstructured decision, this decision was not easy to
defined and usually require more information from
outside environment. Experience and considerations are very important manager
in decisions that are not structured. Decision
will more easily computerized structured compared to
unstructured decisions.
Although there are different levels of management and area functions,
manager basically perform several functions and play
the same role with the various
variations in emphasis.
One thing to also be stressed here that not only the
managers who benefit from the SIM. Employees in
non-manager positions as well as expert staff also use the output
SIM generated. Likewise, users who are outside
institutions / agencies. The users receive the benefits of information
types of services produced by an institution such as the Office
Tourism which informs a tourist destination that has been
Classification according to level managers have an influence
significant in designing the information system related to
sources of information, ways of presentation, and type of decision. Manager
level strategic planning will receive more information
originating from outside the organization's environment rather than internal information, and
vice versa for lower-level managers. In terms of presentation, manager
upper level is more like information in concise form, not the details.
Conversely, lower-level managers put more emphasis on information
details, rather than concise. Is based on the type of decisions taken,
decisions made by top-level managers more unstructured
compared to decisions made by managers at a higher
Structured decisions are decisions that are repeatedly
and routine so that its elements are easier to understand.
Examples of this decision for example is a decision on the increase
rank officers, regular salary increases and so forth. Otherwise
for unstructured decision, this decision was not easy to
defined and usually require more information from
outside environment. Experience and considerations are very important manager
in decisions that are not structured. Decision
will more easily computerized structured compared to
unstructured decisions.
Although there are different levels of management and area functions,
manager basically perform several functions and play
the same role with a variety of emphasis.
One thing to also be stressed here that not only the
managers who benefit from the SIM. Employees in
non-manager positions as well as expert staff also use the output
SIM generated. Likewise, users who are outside
institutions / agencies. The users receive the benefits of information
types of services produced by an institution such as the Office
Tourism which informs a tourist destination that has been
managed well and deserves to be visited, the taxpayers
may find the use of some of their contributions to the state
to build public facilities, and the government can immediately
know the financial reports published by companies
public, and their obligation to pay taxes. So the term SIM
actually does not give the whole picture, that target
information is produced solely for the managers. SIM is not
a system that produces management information, but
information to support troubleshooting.
E. New Role of Management Information Systems
Management can not ignore the information system because the system
information plays a critical role in the organization. System
This information directly influences how
management decisions, make plans, and manage
his servants, and to improve the performance targets that would
achieved, namely how to specify the size or weight of each
objectives / activities, set minimum service standards, and
how to set standards and procedures to the standard of service
community. Therefore, the responsibility of information system
simply can not be delegated to any takers
Increasing interdependence between the strategic plan
institutions, rules and procedures on the one hand with the information system
(Software, hardware, databases, and telecommunications) on the other side.
Changes in one component will affect other components.
This relationship is critical when management wants
make a plan forward. What activities will be conducted five
years into the future are also very dependent on what system
to be able to implement them. For example, increased
work productivity of employees depends on the type and
quality of organizational information systems.
Other changes in the relationship with the organization's information system
is increasing the coverage and scope of the system
information and applications. Development and management of adult system
This requires the involvement of many parties in the organization, if
compared the role and keterlibatanya in past periods.
As already communicated with the increasing tendency
digital-tech organization, the information systems in organizations
can cover a wider range to the public,
other government agencies, and even information about
recent political developments.
One reason why information systems play a very
large and influential in the organization is due more
high capability of computer technology and the cheaper cost
utilization of computer technology. More and better capabilities
computers has resulted in a strong communications network that can
used the organization to access information quickly from
all over the world and to control activities that are not
limited in space and time. These networks have
transform the sharpness and shape the organization's activities,
create the foundation for entering the digital era.
The widest and largest network used is the Internet.
Almost every person in this world, both working in the world of science,
education, government, or the business use
Internet network to exchange information or conduct transactions
business with persons or other organizations worldwide. Internet
create new technology platforms that are universal. Internet Technology
is able to sharpen the way how to use information systems
in business in everyday life. Various benefits that can
obtained with the use of the Internet, among which are to
• Communication and collaboration.
• Access to data and information.
• Participation in the discussion.
• Supply information.
• Hobbies or have fun (entertainment).
• The exchange of business transactions.
The rapid growth in computer and network technologies, including
Internet technology has changed the organizational structure
allowing instant information is distributed within and outside
organization. This capability can be used for redesign and
sharpen the organization, transferring organizational structure, scope
organization, reporting and control mechanisms, practices
work, work flow, as well as products and services. In the end, business process
which is done electronically managed to bring the organization more
digitally, which had an impact on things as follows:
- Organizations increasingly slim.
Organizations that bureaucratic fat and more difficult to follow
rapid change today, less efficient, and can not
competitive. Therefore, many models of these organizations now
streamlined, including the number of employees and hierarchical levels
- Separation of work from the site.
Communications technology have eliminated distance as a factor
that must be considered in the job.
F. The concept of Organizational Information Subsystem
SIM is the first organizational effort whose main purpose is
provide information for management (as it is called system
information management). It turns out in practice on a SIM
organizations also provide information for people other than the
As an organization increasingly has experience in applying
SIM design that covers the needs of the entire organization, the
managers in certain areas, at both central and
area, began to apply the concepts according to their needs
need. Information systems began to enter areas that have been
segmented, which can be called as a sub-sub of the SIM system
tailored to meet the needs of its users. For example
at the level of central government organizations have implemented
some applications of information systems, among others:
• financial accounting system state (scan),
• The accounting system of state property (SABMN)
• The system of local government financial accounting (SAKD)
• Population Information System,
• Human Resources Information Systems and developments subsub
Other governance system.
A. Understanding Information Systems
Information systems in a simple understanding to
defined as a computer-based system that provides
information for multiple users with similar needs. The
users are usually incorporated in a formal organizational entity,
Institutions such as the Department or a Government Agency
can be translated into the Directorate, Division, Section until the unit
smallest underneath. Information describing the organization or
one of the main system on what has happened in the past,
what is happening now and what may be happening
the future of the organization.
The information system contains a variety of important information about people,
place, and everything that is in or around the neighborhood
organization. Information itself contains a meaning that is data that has been
processed into a form that is more meaningful and can be
used for decision making. The data itself is faktafakta
representing a state, condition, or event that occurred
or is in or on the physical environment of the organization. Data can not
directly used for decision making, but must
processed further advance in order to be understood, and utilized in
Information must be managed properly and adequately to provide
maximum benefits. Implementation of information systems within a
organization intended to provide information support
needed, especially by users of information from various
levels of management. The information system used by
users of various levels of management is commonly referred to as:
Management Information Systems.
Information systems contain three basic activities in it, namely:
input activity (input), processing (processing), and output
(Output). Three events this basis generate the information needed
organization for decision-making, operations control, analysis
problems, and create new products or services. Input
role in the collection of raw materials (raw data), both
obtained from within or from the environment surrounding the organization.
Processing role is to convert raw materials into forms
more meaningful. Meanwhile, the output is intended to transfer
processed information to the parties or aktivitasaktivitas
who will use. Information systems also require
feedback (feedback), which is to base the evaluation and improvement in
the next input stage.
Nowadays, information systems used to focus more on system
computer-based information (computer-based information system).
Hope that want to obtain here is that with the use of
information technology or computer-based information systems, information
produced can be more accurate, quality, and timely,
so that decisions can be more effective and efficient.
Although computer-based information systems using technology
computer to process data into information that has meaning,
There is a sharp distinction between computers and computer programs
on one side with the information system on the other. Computers and
computer software that is available is the technical foundation, tools,
and materials of modern information systems. Computers can be used
as a tool to store and process information. Program
computer or computer software is a set of
operating instructions that direct and control processing
B. Development of Management Information System (MIS)
Indeed, the concept of information systems already existed before the emergence of
computer. Before the mid-20th century, at that time still
used punch cards, computer usage is limited to applications
accounting which became known as the accounting information system.
However, those users - especially corporate environment -
still override the needs of information for managers. Applications
computer-based accounting is given the name of the data processing
electronics (PDE).
• In 1964, introducing a new generation of computer processors
new circuitry that uses a silicon chip with the ability
better processing. To promote the generation
computer, the producers introduced the concept of system
management information with the overriding goal of computer applications
is to generate information for management. When it
start it was obvious that computers are able to fill gaps
will be a tool that is able to provide management information.
SIM concept was very quickly accepted by some
companies and government agencies with such a large scale
Ministry of Finance in particular to handle the management
budgets, financing and state revenues.
However, users who tried the SIM in the early stages
realize that the biggest obstacle comes from the layer
middle-management level - above (see Figure 2-1).
In Focus SIM
Boss We gaptek, aah Period 'Sih ... ..?!
Indonesia is one of the country
which lags behind other parts of the world
in the use of computers. This can
seen from the way of communication use
electronic mail (e-mail) affect
communication with the government.
Historically the position of the leaders in
Indonesia is strongly influenced by seniority
and gender. Leadership in an agency
one of the determining element is the age
The older (though now
greatly reduced), the male and
More women should mudalah
become subordinate to and carry out
their command. But when instansinya
began to use computers as tools
aids, the more employees mudalah
are able to utilize technology
them. Who experienced a dramatic blow
from the psychological burden is pegawaipegawai
who throughout their career rather than
Just do not ever use computers
but also never use
manual typewriter. Most
communication so far they do
with notes / memos, faxes,
draft letter prepared by staff
low. Formerly with ease for leadership
The older order "take this letter
Head to the pack. " But this can not
applied when Mr. Head wants
personal response via e-mail. The
middle-management level - over almost
can not delegate this task to
employees is lower.
In an effort to accelerate knowledge
use of computers for management level
medium - above, many courses are held
lightning, the teachers often are
beautiful young woman and they are
real contrast with her past,
which often only serves as
low employee provider of tea.
The course was considered very severe, although
probably lasted no more than 3 days.
In fact, perhaps because it is felt
very torturing the leaders level
on this call as a Training Expertise
Hell ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ...!
Figure 2-1
The development of this concept is still not smooth and many organizations
have failed in its application because of some
barriers, for example:
• lack of understanding about computer users,
lack of specialists in the field of information about business
and the role of management,
• relatively high prices of computing devices, as well as
• too berambisinya those users who are too confident to
build a complete information system that can
supports all levels of managers.
While the SIM concept continues to grow, Morton, Gorry, and Keen
from the Massachusetts Institute of Technology (MIT) introduced the concept
named the new Decision Support System (Decision Support
Systems - DSS). DSS is a system that produces information
directed at a specific problem to be solved or
decisions must be made by the manager.
Another development was the emergence of other applications, namely
Office Automation (office automation - OA), which provides
facilities to improve communication and productivity of
managers and office staff through the use of electronic equipment.
Later arose a new concept known as Artificial
Intelligence (AI), a concept with the idea that computers could
programmed to perform logical process resembles the human brain.
A type of AI is a lot of attention is the Expert
Systems (ES), which is an application that has the function as
specialize in certain areas.
All of the above concepts, both PDE, SM, OA, DSS, EIS, and AI
an information processing applications using
computer and aims to provide information for solving
problems and decision making.
C. Attention to Information Management
There are two main reasons why there is great concern
the management of information, namely the increasing complexity
organizational activity governance and increasing
computer capabilities. Furthermore, by providing reliable information
quality, of course, also encourage managers to improve
competitive ability (competitive advantage) organizations
During the first generation of computers, computer only be touched by
specialists in the fields of computer, while other users are not
had direct contact with computers. Now, almost every
office has at least some of the desktop / personal computer -
PC. Users of management information systems are now know how
using the computer and looked at the computer rather than as something
special anymore, but it is a necessity as well as
filing cabinets, photocopy machine or telephone.
D. Management Information System Users
As users of information systems management, this management level
can be classified into three tiers (Figure 2-2), namely:
• manager level strategic planning (strategic planning);
is an upper-level managers, such as the ranks of the Minister, the
echelon I, in which decisions are made regarding
with strategic planning that includes the evaluation process
environment outside the organization, setting organizational goals, and
determining the organization's strategy.
• Manager of the level of management control (management control);
which is also known by the term mid-level managers,
have a responsibility to translate the strategic plan
assigned to its implementation and ensure that
organization's goals will be achieved. Included in this group
example is Echelon II, Head of Regional Office, Chief
Department, and the Echelon III, Head of Department / Division.
• manager operations control level (operational control)
is a lower-level managers such as echelon IV and V,
responsible for implementing the plan that have been defined by
middle managers, which materialized in the operation / activity
level strategic planning will receive more information
originating from outside the organization's environment rather than internal information, and
vice versa for lower-level managers. In terms of presentation, manager
upper level is more like information in concise form, not the details.
Conversely, lower-level managers put more emphasis on information
details, rather than concise. Is based on the type of decisions taken,
decisions made by top-level managers more unstructured
compared to decisions made by managers at a higher
Structured decisions are decisions that are repeatedly
and routine so that its elements are easier to understand.
Examples of this decision for example is a decision on the increase
rank officers, regular salary increases and so forth. Otherwise
for unstructured decision, this decision was not easy to
defined and usually require more information from
outside environment. Experience and considerations are very important manager
in decisions that are not structured. Decision
will more easily computerized structured compared to
unstructured decisions.
Although there are different levels of management and area functions,
manager basically perform several functions and play
the same role with the various
variations in emphasis.
One thing to also be stressed here that not only the
managers who benefit from the SIM. Employees in
non-manager positions as well as expert staff also use the output
SIM generated. Likewise, users who are outside
institutions / agencies. The users receive the benefits of information
types of services produced by an institution such as the Office
Tourism which informs a tourist destination that has been
Classification according to level managers have an influence
significant in designing the information system related to
sources of information, ways of presentation, and type of decision. Manager
level strategic planning will receive more information
originating from outside the organization's environment rather than internal information, and
vice versa for lower-level managers. In terms of presentation, manager
upper level is more like information in concise form, not the details.
Conversely, lower-level managers put more emphasis on information
details, rather than concise. Is based on the type of decisions taken,
decisions made by top-level managers more unstructured
compared to decisions made by managers at a higher
Structured decisions are decisions that are repeatedly
and routine so that its elements are easier to understand.
Examples of this decision for example is a decision on the increase
rank officers, regular salary increases and so forth. Otherwise
for unstructured decision, this decision was not easy to
defined and usually require more information from
outside environment. Experience and considerations are very important manager
in decisions that are not structured. Decision
will more easily computerized structured compared to
unstructured decisions.
Although there are different levels of management and area functions,
manager basically perform several functions and play
the same role with a variety of emphasis.
One thing to also be stressed here that not only the
managers who benefit from the SIM. Employees in
non-manager positions as well as expert staff also use the output
SIM generated. Likewise, users who are outside
institutions / agencies. The users receive the benefits of information
types of services produced by an institution such as the Office
Tourism which informs a tourist destination that has been
managed well and deserves to be visited, the taxpayers
may find the use of some of their contributions to the state
to build public facilities, and the government can immediately
know the financial reports published by companies
public, and their obligation to pay taxes. So the term SIM
actually does not give the whole picture, that target
information is produced solely for the managers. SIM is not
a system that produces management information, but
information to support troubleshooting.
E. New Role of Management Information Systems
Management can not ignore the information system because the system
information plays a critical role in the organization. System
This information directly influences how
management decisions, make plans, and manage
his servants, and to improve the performance targets that would
achieved, namely how to specify the size or weight of each
objectives / activities, set minimum service standards, and
how to set standards and procedures to the standard of service
community. Therefore, the responsibility of information system
simply can not be delegated to any takers
Increasing interdependence between the strategic plan
institutions, rules and procedures on the one hand with the information system
(Software, hardware, databases, and telecommunications) on the other side.
Changes in one component will affect other components.
This relationship is critical when management wants
make a plan forward. What activities will be conducted five
years into the future are also very dependent on what system
to be able to implement them. For example, increased
work productivity of employees depends on the type and
quality of organizational information systems.
Other changes in the relationship with the organization's information system
is increasing the coverage and scope of the system
information and applications. Development and management of adult system
This requires the involvement of many parties in the organization, if
compared the role and keterlibatanya in past periods.
As already communicated with the increasing tendency
digital-tech organization, the information systems in organizations
can cover a wider range to the public,
other government agencies, and even information about
recent political developments.
One reason why information systems play a very
large and influential in the organization is due more
high capability of computer technology and the cheaper cost
utilization of computer technology. More and better capabilities
computers has resulted in a strong communications network that can
used the organization to access information quickly from
all over the world and to control activities that are not
limited in space and time. These networks have
transform the sharpness and shape the organization's activities,
create the foundation for entering the digital era.
The widest and largest network used is the Internet.
Almost every person in this world, both working in the world of science,
education, government, or the business use
Internet network to exchange information or conduct transactions
business with persons or other organizations worldwide. Internet
create new technology platforms that are universal. Internet Technology
is able to sharpen the way how to use information systems
in business in everyday life. Various benefits that can
obtained with the use of the Internet, among which are to
• Communication and collaboration.
• Access to data and information.
• Participation in the discussion.
• Supply information.
• Hobbies or have fun (entertainment).
• The exchange of business transactions.
The rapid growth in computer and network technologies, including
Internet technology has changed the organizational structure
allowing instant information is distributed within and outside
organization. This capability can be used for redesign and
sharpen the organization, transferring organizational structure, scope
organization, reporting and control mechanisms, practices
work, work flow, as well as products and services. In the end, business process
which is done electronically managed to bring the organization more
digitally, which had an impact on things as follows:
- Organizations increasingly slim.
Organizations that bureaucratic fat and more difficult to follow
rapid change today, less efficient, and can not
competitive. Therefore, many models of these organizations now
streamlined, including the number of employees and hierarchical levels
- Separation of work from the site.
Communications technology have eliminated distance as a factor
that must be considered in the job.
F. The concept of Organizational Information Subsystem
SIM is the first organizational effort whose main purpose is
provide information for management (as it is called system
information management). It turns out in practice on a SIM
organizations also provide information for people other than the
As an organization increasingly has experience in applying
SIM design that covers the needs of the entire organization, the
managers in certain areas, at both central and
area, began to apply the concepts according to their needs
need. Information systems began to enter areas that have been
segmented, which can be called as a sub-sub of the SIM system
tailored to meet the needs of its users. For example
at the level of central government organizations have implemented
some applications of information systems, among others:
• financial accounting system state (scan),
• The accounting system of state property (SABMN)
• The system of local government financial accounting (SAKD)
• Population Information System,
• Human Resources Information Systems and developments subsub
Other governance system.
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