Saturday, January 15, 2011

Political Correctness and Truth

Political correctness has and always will be wrong, as in never right. No it is not one of the sides as in liberal or conservative.

Truth is what matters, nothing else. Some ask is it ever OK to tell a lie? No it is not, no lie will ever amount to the truth, actually all the lies just add up to a greater lie, along with the obvious ignorance of those telling or believing the lies.

Some believe, or seem to believe PC came from politics or politicians, perhaps to a point they are correct, yet in reality it seems the practice has and or does come from the interests of special groups who want you to believe their views and if you do not, you are an idiot.

What special interest groups? Take the ACLU or LAMBDA which work hand in hand or foot in hand, whichever is preferred. Rights of all people need to be respected as to the Constitution of the United States, yet when we give special rights to individuals who already have the rights granted by the Constitution we throw the Constitution out of the window. Framers of the Constitution would be and are appalled at the utter lack of intelligence of most in the Government in present day America, along with some of the regular day to day folks, especially when items are not even voted on, just legislated by the few who take the money and play deaf, not to mention our judicial system.

What, it is not OK to tell anyone who is weird that they are in fact idiots in ones' own opinion? Freedom of speech ought to be just that, freedom to speak an opinion, even if others do not like it or agree with it. Sticks and stones will break my bones, but words can never hurt me, or something like that? PC says everyone just goes, oh it is OK to do whatever you want; our kids do not know how to think for themselves anyway, at least in the last twenty five to thirty years or so.

Say what? Well it is true, how many people today seem to make a decision based on their own true opinion? Maybe sixty five per cent, maybe a bit more actually have the nerve to tell the truth? Statistics are not always correct, especially when we go to vote on any issue, which is why many people do not want some items up for a vote, especially when it is a liberal issue.

Force is not meant to be used in the political arena, yet it is. Financial force is still force, just perhaps not as violent as the force of muscle. Much more subtle, though much more corrosive and coercive, not to mention the corruption it breeds. Political correctness is bought and sold through and with the use of power and the financial backing of the power, which is of course the problem, even with the so called regulation. Who is supplying the finances to play? Why?

Regulation is the fallacy, meaning who is doing the regulating and who is paying for it? Who is your power broker? Playing only on your side, or both? Apathy and complacency are the rampant players in the PC arena, like ants on Prozac, what a picture.

It is not suggested or implied that ants need or ought to be given Prozac, as they work hard without a whip or drugs, and they actually communicate with each other, without any lies or political correctness.

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